by Rob Burgner | Nov 23, 2021 | Uncategorized
Earlier this week I was working from home, enjoying lunch in the arbor behind my house rather than eating at my desk like I normally do, and I watched a couple of squirrels having a grand old time playing with each other in our oak trees. Unbeknownst to the frolicking...
by Rob Burgner | Nov 3, 2021 | Video Marketing
Here’s How Video Gets You New Clients & Increases Engagement Make Your Most Common, Annoying Questions Your Greatest Asset If you are like most professionals you get asked the same 8-10 questions all the time when someone is thinking about doing business with...
by Rob Burgner | Sep 13, 2020 | Coffee Break Marketing, Video Marketing
Do a search for “How long should my marketing video be?” and you’ll get tons of results. Most will say that our attention spans are getting shorter and shorter and that when it comes to video, shorter is better. Are both or those assumptions really...
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