Earlier this week I was working from home, enjoying lunch in the arbor behind my house rather than eating at my desk like I normally do, and I watched a couple of squirrels having a grand old time playing with each other in our oak trees.

Unbeknownst to the frolicking squirrels, two red-tailed hawks flew into the tree above me. They were a mating pair because that’s the only time adult red-tails will hunt together, and the happiness of the squirrels was, alas, to be short-lived.

I spend a lot of time using some fairly pricey software to analyze prospective clients’ websites, YouTube Channels, SEO, and overall online marketing efforts. And I feel a lot like the hawk. Not because I’m going to eat the prospective client, but because their marketing efforts are, oftentimes, a hot mess riddled with errors, typos, worthless backlinks, extremely slow load times, and security vulnerabilities. And, like the squirrels in my backyard, they’re blissfully unaware of it.

For DIY folks, there are some great tools to analyze your website performance. I’m a fan of GTMetrix, which will give you detailed information on a website’s performance. It also provides a very detailed audit of the top issues impacting performance and how to fix them. Many of the terms may sound like Gobbledygook to non-designers, but it will point you in the right direction.

Next time you’re chatting with a business owner whose website is sloooowwww, ask if they’d like a free audit. Unlike the hawk, I won’t eat them, but I will give them some great, actionable tips!

Fill out the contact form below for a free scan!



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