Here’s How Video Gets You New Clients & Increases Engagement
Make Your Most Common, Annoying Questions Your Greatest Asset
If you are like most professionals you get asked the same 8-10 questions all the time when someone is thinking about doing business with you. You can hardly go to a company website and not see an About Us page or a FAQ (frequently asked questions) page or both since everyone knows that new prospects are always wondering the same things.
Sometimes it’s about the cost, or technique, or time frame from beginning to end but every business has them. So you have your FAQ page on your website and it sits there. And since it’s tough for people to find your site on the web their questions go unanswered.
If you still get asked your same 8-10 questions by new prospects when you have a FAQ page on your site, do you know what that means? It means they didn’t find these answers on your site. Or they didn’t find your site at all.
But it doesn’t have to stay that way.
Did you know that video gets a disproportionate weight from Google over text, blogs, and still photos? Yep, they do.
A Forrester study way back in 2009 said that video is 53x more likely to rank on a google search than text due to more sharing, linking, and overall engagement. And more people click on a video than text. That’s called a click-through rate or CTR. CTRs are higher for video so video ranks higher than text. That was true in 2009, it’s even more true today. Videos are everywhere, just look at your Facebook feed.
The Search Landscape
Google has changed its search algorithms and keeps changing what makes for good SEO (search engine optimization) annually. But here’s one thing that will never change and if there’s one thing you learn here, I hope it’s this.
SEO is always aligned with giving the searcher good quality, credible information that they can use. Good information in useful formats will rank high on Google for the foreseeable future.
Google has even changed the name of some of its search results, calling them ‘blended results’ as they are a blend of text, video, etc.
Have you noticed that there is a section of Google search devoted to video?
If there is an answer to your question in video form, not only can you find it in the video section but it ranks high in organic search in the blended results due to the CTR.
The most bang for your buck in spending for your online presence is in SEO and the most bang for your SEO buck is with video. It is easier to rank with video than any other media on search.
You can get short, informative, and entertaining videos shot for your business and improve your search rankings.
And now I’m going to show you how
Meet Bleeding Edge
I’m Rob Burgner, the CEO of Bleeding Edge. For the last 20 years, I have been shooting videos, including music videos and corporate promos, and documentaries too. But I like helping businesses get to the top of Google search with video and here’s how I do it.
I bring your FAQ to life.
Remember those 8-10 questions you always get from new prospects? There’s great information in these questions so here’s what I do. You wouldn’t have the answers to these questions as a FAQ on your site if you didn’t think it was useful.
I go over those questions with you, both the questions and answers. We tighten up those answers so they only take a minute or two to answer. Like a bullet point format.
Then it’s time to film.
We have a professional lighting setup. For real, it takes more time to set up the lights than it does to film you answering your questions. Unless you didn’t practice your answers……But you’re gonna look and sound good when we’re done. During a half-day or less, you are going to answer all of your FAQs and we are going to film you doing it.
Unless you are not comfortable speaking in public. Let’s face it many people aren’t and that’s ok too. If you want to do it, we coach you. If you don’t want to then we bring in a professional actor or spokesperson for an added fee. Either way, your info is going to be professionally delivered on camera.
Not only do we make you look good and sound good, we do some additional cool stuff on your behalf.
We improve your brand identity on the video with logos, bumper music, and motion graphics. It doesn’t matter how you look and sound if the visual quality of the video is boring or looks like crap. This will be something you will be proud to show friends and clients.
We create a YouTube channel for you and FB Business Page if you don’t already have one and post them there in easy-to-view formats. All with links back to your business web page. Again, great for SEO to have links from YouTube and FB back to your site.
For those that prefer to read rather than watch videos, we do an edited transcript and submit that to Google too along with the video, all to enhance that important search.
This is a lot of good stuff, isn’t it? But there’s more to our strategy.
The Release Strategy
We can’t bombard Google with 30 minutes of shiny new videos about your business all at once. They don’t like that kind of thing, and more importantly, it doesn’t maximize your search results.
So what do we do?
We release 1 video per week, meaning over 2-3 months all of your videos get out there in bite-size pieces and make it very easy to share them around with friends, clients, and prospects. All to increase engagement on each one when released.
We utilize all your social media. Is Twitter big with your industry? Maybe Instagram? We post there, use their features like the FB Boost Post feature to increase visibility, and point it all back to your site, just like Google likes it.
What you get is professional video quality, professional sound, expert editing, visually appealing and it answers one of your most frequently answered questions, all for the price of $2995.
That means for many of you reading this that one deal or one new client more than pays for this service. And when you think about everything you’re getting, it’s a fantastic value. Professional quality, optimized, brings your whole social media strategy into focus and gets you the most bang for your Google searching buck.
A picture, or in this case, a link and a video are worth 1000 words. In reality, it’s worth way more than 1000. Some marketers think it’s worth 1.8 million words per 1 minute of video. Just ten percent of that at 180,000 words is still pretty awesome and a great value.
The time or money involved in generating 180,000 words of content is much more than $1250. An average writer on Textbroker.com might charge you 6c per word, meaning your 180,000 words cost $10,800 to buy. And the time required to write all of this yourself is way more expensive too since that’s the time taken away from doing your business or marketing your business or taking you away from something else you’d rather do for fun. And remember, you don’t get 1 minute of video, you get up to 20 minutes if you spend 2 minutes each answering 10 FAQs.
The value of this service speaks for itself.
Email me or give me a call at (404) 352-8960 today so we can figure out which parts of your business you should put on video today.
And you may never have to answer that annoying question you always get from a new prospect ever again.
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